Monday, 26 October 2009

20 Things I Have Learned Since This Time Last Year

  1. Doing a task involving repetitive work involving spreadsheets allows one to listen to music and radio dramas and actually absorb then well.
  2. God is shockingly misunderstood.
  3. Find it out for yourself, don't take people's word for films being rubbish.
  4. The BBC have really lost their way when producing dramas.
  5. The essential ingredients of a joke are timing and material. Fail on either and you are screwed.
  6. Writing is easier if your surround yourself with inspiration.
  7. It doesn't matter if you fail, at least you can say you tried.
  8. Never be afraid to admit your idea is a steaming pile of shit.
  9. God Matters. Always.
  10. Priests are paid, I intend to fully earn that pay.
  11. Having a job in a recession is better than turkey at Christmas
  12. Sometimes it isn't about asking the right questions, more looking for the right answer.
  13. Accordion and tin whistle make everything better.
  14. Stop, Think, Listen.
  15. Youth work is the most rewarding thing I have encountered in the Church
  16. Passive aggressiveness is the cancer nomming away at the church.
  17. I will not suit facial hair. Yet.
  18. "Dan Dare" the comic series moved me to tars.
  19. There may be something about society having lost something in the past 40 years.
  20. I still miss Papa.

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