Friday, 20 November 2009

20 Things I Have Leared In Working In Customer Service.

  1. It's all your fault.
  2. It's not you they are angry at, your just the person on the end of the phone.
  3. The variable scale of upset. Some people need their retuned.
  4. Don't Joke. Don't ever joke.
  5. "They can see you smiling" is a load of rubbish. I can fake it no problem.
  6. Flowers maketh the day. Lose them and you might as well chuck the whole shebang!
  7. Look out for those unexpected moments of bonding.
  8. The calls that come in at 3 minutes before your shift ends are sometimes the most rewarding. Or the tear inducingly petty.
  9. Be wary of titles.
  10. Try and assure people that taking things personally is a bad way to go.
  11. Learn to be omnipotent.
  12. Learn magic to make deliveries magically appear.
  13. Leave sarcasm and irony at the door.
  14. Let me hear you say "Let's get petty!"
  15. The customer using bad language is not an invitation for you to use. It's an exclusive club.
  16. Guard thy sighs.
  17. Enjoy the little things like a slow computer. It means you'll take less calls before you go home.
  18. Savour your breaks. Treat them like an escape bunker.
  19. At the end of your shift burst out the centre with joy!
  20. Remember you are doing it all again tomorrow!

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