Saturday, 21 November 2009

20 Things I Have Learned Since Starting My Ordination Journey

This is probably going to be part. 1. Of several.

I think.

Anyway. Here we go.

WARNING: Naughty words ahead.
  1. God chooses you. If you choose God then the whole thing gets better.
  2. Don't run away. God's call is a bit like a zombie horde. It will catch up and consume you in the end.
  3. Theology is not formed in text books. It is formed in experience and understanding.
  4. Insights can be gleaned from anywhere. So keep your eyes sharp.
  5. God likes sending messengers in unlikely disguises. Mine tend to be geeky guys.
  6. Toss out the Old Testament. It's only there for the blockbuster moments.
  7. Toss out most of the New Testament. It's out of context anyway.
  8. Stick to the two commandments Jesus gave. If what you do doesn't follow either of them then don't do it.
  9. If I believed the Bible was the exact and literal word of God; then God would be genocidal, petty, bigoted, jealous child.
  10. God is none of these things.
  11. God doesn't like you putting him in a box. God escapes out the corners.
  12. We have put our own projections on God. Let's get rid of that nasty habit eh?
  13. Rowan Williams should grow a pair and get the fence post out his arse.
  14. God spent 6 Billion years getting us to where we are today. Consider that thought for a moment.
  15. Consecrating a Bishop should be an issue of suitability not sexuality.
  16. Priest is a dirty word. Let's give it a srping clean.
  17. The Scottish Episcopal Church needs to stop lying down & taking a good kicking. Let's kick back and show them what we are made of.
  18. Humour scares people. Especially when it makes them face up to their bigotry.
  19. There's place for the Church & the Gospel Message in today's society. The Church needs to find it again.
  20. Forward in Faith = People without enough balls to admit they don't want to be Roman Catholic because they like being married too much.
I don't mean to sound cruel, uncaring and intolerant of bigots, but I am so that's how it comes out.

We are creatures evolved under Gods watchful eye to be loving. We were left a commandment to love by Jesus. How difficult is it not to be consumed by bigotry & predujice?


  1. Oh, your "naughty words" here weren't all that naughty. I think you can do better than that.


    Great post!

  2. The episcopal church of scotland? Whatever happened to the presbyterians? And catholics? Who are you people?
